Leading Digital Business Transformation

Leading Digital Business Transformation is a forum for senior leaders and managers to learn how to extract maximum value from digital technologies and business models. During the course of the program you will apply the learnings for your organisation and create a roadmap for digital transformation.

Introduction Video

What you’ll learn

Digital Business Transformation is less about technology and more about aligning digital strategy with business strategy to create a competitive advantage. Today’s business world can be characterised by hyper competition and digital disruption. It’s not enough to just optimise the business processes. Doing so risks disruption from new players. Established companies have to innovate and build new business models and digital strategies using digital technologies. This program helps you to achieve this goal. Specifically, you’ll learn

  • Why it is important to transform
  • Three types of value and Four Strategic Responses
  • Digital Strategies
  • Digital Engagement
  • Digital Enablers
  • Digital Business Agility

Course Videos

Module 1 – Digital Business Transformation(DBT)

This module introduces DBT and gives a broad introduction to three questions

  • Why to Transform?
  • What to Transform?
  • How to Transform?
Module 2 – American Express Case Study

This module discusses how American Express, a 150-year-old company transformed its customer decision journey using digital technologies.

Module 3 – Strategic Responses

This module analyses the four strategic responses to Digital Disruption. In the process you will learn in depth about the drivers of these responses.

Module 4 – McLaren F1 Race Car Case Study

This case analyses the digital capabilities of McLaren and understand how it leveraged its strengths to move into new businesses for growth.

Module 5- Nike Case Study

This case discusses how platforms and sensors change the way we think about strategy by analysing Nike’s digital transformation process.

Module 6 – Cisco Case Study

This case study explores how Cisco tried to fundamentally change its business model using Industrial Internet. You will learn in detail about the challenges it faced and what changes it made to its various business functions.

Module 7 – Agility

In this module you will learn about Agility and how it is helping organisations experiment and innovate.

Module 8 – Digital Leadership

This module delves deep into the competencies and behaviours that are needed for Digital Leadership.

Module 9 – Axel Springer Case Study

This module discusses cultural transformation in Axel Springer, a German based media company. You will learn how it culturally integrated its various digital media companies and successfully transformed its business.

Module 10 – KPN Case Study

KPN, a Dutch telecom company embarked on a digital transformation journey. This case analyses the leadership challenges and the initiatives undertaken by its leaders.

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